Savory with bacon and rich gruyere flavor, these are easy enough to make for every day but something you could serve to guests for a decadent brunch. I like to make an entire package of bacon anytime I make it by laying it on a parchment-lined baking tray and baking at 400ºF/205ºC for 16 - 20 minutes, but you'll only need 3 pieces for this recipe. Keep extra on hand for other days, or when you're ready to make more egg bites!

Ingredients for 6

  • 6 eggs

  • 1/2 c grated gruyere

  • 1/4 c neufchatel/cream cheese/dairy free cream cheese option

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 3 slices cooked bacon, cut in halves

  • Extra Equipment: 6 4oz/125ml canning jars with 2-part screw-on lids


    Step 1

    Set your Anova Precision Cooker for 172ºF/77.8ºC

  • Step 2

    In a blender or food processor, combine eggs, cheeses (or other optional dairy like cream), and salt until smooth

  • Step 3

    Place your jars on a work surface and push a half-slice of bacon into the bottom of each one

    Step 4

    Divide the egg & cheese mixture evenly among the jars

    Step 5

    Attach two-part lids and close to fingertip tightness. This means using only your fingertips to screw on the ring; if they are too tight, the air pressure within will not be able to release and the jars will shatter on the bath

  • Step 6

    Once closed, submerge the jars in the water bath and set your timer for 1 hour

    • Finishing Steps

    • Step 0

      Remove from the bath and enjoy straight from the jar if desired! You can also slide a butter knife around the edge, pushing gently inwards as you do so to loosen the base. Invert jar onto heat-safe surface and either sear with a torch or place under broiler for a few minutes for color.

    • Step 1



  • 6 Eier
  • 3-4 EL Frischkäse
  • 2 EL geriebenen Käse (z.B. Ementaler)
  • Salz (und ggfs. andere Gewürze)
  • Speck


Zeit und Temperatur:

1 Std. bei 77,8 °C


  • Funktioniert auch gut mit Weck Gläsern
    6 Eier reichen für 4 Weckgläser (klein)
  • Statt Gruyere kann auch Ementaler genommen werden.
  • Im Blender ausprobieren, nur Rührschüssel lässt den Ementaler fasrig.
  • Wenn die Weckgläser ins Waserbad kommen dafür sorgen, dass diese nicht schwimmen/kippen können.
Baby back ribs
ggfs. Sauce zum glasieren
74 °C
64 °C oder 65 °C Std.
  • Ribs säubern (Silberhaut), würzen und vakuumieren
  • sous vide garen
  • wenn diese nicht gleich gegrillt werden, im Eiswasser abkühlen
  • ansonsten trocken tupfen und kurz (3-5 Minuten je Seite) auf den Grill, damit diese auch knusprig werden
  • nach belieben kann hier auch glasiert werden

Original Rezept:
73.8 °C
62.7 °C Std.

Barbecue Ribs

Ribs are traditionally slow-cooked in a smoker in order to get their copious amounts of connective tissue to convert to gelatin, turning the tough ribs tender. The rate at which this conversion takes place is a function of temperature and time; The lower the temperature, the longer it takes. At the same time, the lower the temperature, the more internal moisture the ribs will retain as they cook. So while a rib cooked at 145°F / 63°C will take about three times longer to tenderize than those cooked at 165°F / 74°C, they will end up with a more succulent, meaty texture that eats almost like an extra-tender steak. Ribs cooked at a higher temperature will have a more traditional bbq rib texture with well-rendered fat and meat that shreds as you eat it.


Note: Barbecue sauce can also be omitted if you prefer a dry-style rib. For dry-style ribs, re-rub ribs with reserved 3 tbsp / 45 ml of dry rub after removing them from the vacuum bags in Step 13 and omit saucing steps when ribs are in the oven or on the grill.

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Ingredients for 4

  • 1/3 cup / 80 ml Paprika

  • 1/3 cup / 80 ml Dark Brown Sugar

  • 1/4 cup / 60 ml Kosher Salt

  • 2 tablespoons / 30 ml Whole Yellow Mustard Seed

  • 1 teaspoon / 5 ml Freshly Ground Black Pepper

  • 2 tablespoons / 30 ml Granulated Garlic Powder

  • 1 tablespoon / 15 ml Dried Oregano

  • 1 tablespoon / 15 ml Whole Coriander Seed

  • 1 teaspoon / 5 ml Red Pepper Flakes

  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion, Grated (grate using large holes of a box grater)

  • 1 1/2 cups / 320 ml Ketchup

  • 2 tablespoons / 30 ml Spicy Brown Mustard

  • 1/3 cup / 80 ml Dark Molasses

  • 1/4 cup / 60 ml Worcestershire Sauce

  • 1/4 cup / 60 ml Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons / 7 ml Wright’s or Colgin Liquid Hickory Smoke

  • 2 Whole Racks St. Louis-Cut Pork Ribs


    Step 1

    Remove the papery membrane on the back of the ribs using a paper towel or kitchen towel to grip it and pull it away in one piece.

    Step 2

    Divide each rack of ribs into three to four portions with three to four ribs each by cutting through the meat in between the ribs.

    Step 3

    Working in batches, combine the paprika, brown sugar, salt, mustard seed, black pepper, garlic powder, oregano, coriander seed, and red pepper flakes in a spice grinder and reduce to a fine powder.

    Step 4

    Set aside 3 tablespoons / 45 ml of spice rub mixture.

    Step 5

    Rub ribs generously on all sides with the remaining spice rub mixture.

    Step 6

    Place individual portions of rubbed ribs in vacuum bags. If using vacuum bags, fold over the top while you add the ribs so that no rub or pork juices get on the edge of the bag, which can weaken the seal.

    Step 7

    Add 4 drops (about 1/8th teaspoon / 1 ml) of liquid smoke to each bag.

    Step 8

    Seal the bags, transfer them to the refrigerator, and let them rest for 4 to 12 hours.

    Step 9

    Set your Precision Cooker to 145°F / 63°C for extra-meaty ribs or 165°F / 74°C for more traditionally textured ribs.

    Step 10

    Add ribs to the water bath and cover with a lid, aluminum foil, or ping pong balls. Cook for 36 hours at 145°F / 63ºC or 12 hours at 165°F / 74ºC.

    Step 11

    Transfer cooked ribs to a large bowl of water filled with ice to chill thoroughly. Ribs can be stored in the refrigerator at this stage for up to 5 days before finishing.

    Step 12

    To make the sauce (skip if making dry-style ribs), combine remaining 3 tablespoons spice rub, grated onion, ketchup, mustard, molasses, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, and remaining liquid smoke in a medium saucepan and whisk to combine. Bring to a bare simmer and cook until reduced and thickened, about 20 minutes. Set aside.

    Step 13

    Remove ribs from vacuum bags and carefully pat dry with paper towels. If making dry-style ribs, rub with remaining 3 tablespoons / 45 ml spice rub.

    • Finishing Steps - Oven

      Step 1

      Adjust oven racks to upper and lower middle positions and preheat oven to 300°F / 150°C. Line two rimmed baking sheets with aluminum foil and place a wire rack in each. Divide ribs evenly on racks, facing up. Transfer ribs to oven and cook until surface is sizzling and ribs are heated through, about 20 minutes.

      Step 2

      Brush ribs with sauce and return to oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven, brush with another layer of sauce, and return to oven until it is dried and sticky, about 10 minutes longer. (For dry-style ribs, omit the saucing and continue roasting until a crusty bark has formed, about 40 minutes total in the oven).

      Step 3

      Remove ribs from oven, paint with one last layer of sauce, and serve, passing extra sauce at the table.

    • Finishing Steps - Grill

      Step 1

      Light one half chimney full of charcoal (about 2 1/2 quarts / 2 L of coals) When all the charcoal is lit and covered with gray ash, pour out and arrange the coals on one side of the charcoal grate. Set cooking grate in place, cover grill and allow to preheat for 5 minutes. Alternatively, set half the burners on a gas grill to the medium heat setting, cover, and preheat for 10 minutes. Scrape the grill grates clean with a grill scraper, then oil the grates by holding an oil-dipped kitchen towel or paper towels in a set of tongs and rubbing them over the grates 5 to 6 times. Place the ribs facing up over the cooler side of the grill. Cover and cook until ribs are heated through and dry to the touch, about 15 minutes.

      Step 2

      Brush ribs with a layer of sauce and then transfer the ribs to the hotter side of the grill. Cover and cook until sauce is mostly dry, about 7 minutes. Brush with a second layer of sauce, cover, and cook until second layer is sticky, about 5 minutes longer. (For dry-style ribs, omit the saucing and continue grilling over the hotter side of the grill until a crusty bark has formed, about 10 minutes total over hot side of grill).

      Step 3

      Remove ribs from grill, paint with one last layer of sauce, and serve, passing extra sauce at the table.


  • Rinder Querrippen (mit Knochen)
  • Salz, Pfeffer, Knoblauchpulver
  • Gewürze nach belieben (Thymian, Rosmarin)

Für die Glasierung

  • evtl. Markknochen
  • Rinderbrühe (2 Tassen oder 500ml)
  • Rotwein (2 Tassen oder 500ml)
  • ca. 150-200g Röstgemüse (Knollensellerie, Möhren und Zwiebeln)
  • Öl zum Anbraten
  • Tomatenmark
  • nach Geschmack Lorbeer, Pfeffer, Wacholder, Piment und Nelke (jeweils 1 -2)
    (evtl. Sternanis)
  • evtl. Butter (nur Demi Clace)
  • evtl. etwas Zucker
  • evtl. Stärke oder Xantan zum verdicken (nur Demi Glace)


  1. Wasser vorbereiten auf 56°
  2. Fleisch parrieren und salzen
  3. Das Fleisch in einer tiefen Pfanne oder einem Topf von allen Seiten scharf anbraten
    ACHTUNG: die Pfanne wird so noch benötigt!
  4. Danach das Fleisch mit Pfeffer und Knoblauchpulver würzen und mit den Gewürzen (optional) vakuumieren
  5. Für 48 Stunden bei 56° im Wasserbad garen.
  6. Falls Markknochen vorhanden sind, diese entweder auf dem Grill oder im Ofen anrösten und danach in der Pfanne anbraten.
  7. Mit der Pfanne und dem darin enthaltenen Bratensatz das Rostgemüse in etwas Öl anrösten
  8. Tomatenmark dazu geben
  9. Mit Rotwein ablöschen und den Bratensatz vom Boden lösen
  10. Etwas einkochen lassen, bis der Alkohol verflogen ist, dann die Rinderbrühe dazu geben
  11. Gut mischen und die Gewürze in die Brühe geben.
  12. Hitze reduzieren un 4-5 Stunden offen köcheln lassen
  13. Die Knochen und das Röstgemüse sowie die Gewürze mit einem groben und/oder einem feinen Sieb entfernen.
  14. Falls eine Demi Glace hergestellt werden soll, die Jus nochmals um die Hälfte reduzieren lassen
    dauert nochmals ca. 30 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze
  15. evtl. kalte Butter in Flöckchen dazu geben und mit dem Schneebesen glatt rühren.

Die Sauce oder die Demi Glace kann auch auf Vorrat hergestellt werden. Entweder heiß in ein Einmachglas füllen oder portionsweise in Tiefkühlbeutel abfüllen. Hält ca. 6 Monate.

Wenn das Fleisch fertig ist, die Sauce oder Demi Glace wieder erwärmen und über das trocken getupfte Fleisch geben. Das glasierte Fleisch bei indirekter Hitze oder im Backofen bei 110°C etwa 10 Minuten glasieren.

Mit Beilagen nach Wahl (z.B. Gemüse und Kartoffelpürre) servieren.

Ideen: (48 Stunden bei 55°) (14 Stunden bei 78° + 6 Stunden Smoker) (72 Stunden bei 60°),0/Chefkoch/Braune-Jus-Demi-Glace-und-Nachbruehe.html

Steaks auf Temperatur kommen lassen, dann von beiden Seiten salzen.

Steaks vakuumieren und im Wasserbad, je nach Dicke bei 56°C garen (bei 4cm ca. 2 Std.).

Danach trocken tupfen und sehr heiß von allen Seiten angrillen.
Am besten funktioniert das mit dem Grillrost direkt auf dem Anzündkamin.

Danach mit Pfeffer bestreuen und ggfs. noch n Alufolie wickeln um warm zu halten (wird dann aber wieder weicher auf der Außenseite).


Quelle der Temperaturen und Zeiten:


BLUE RARE (BLAU): 40-45 ° C
RARE (BLUTIG): 45-50 ° C
MEDIUM (ROSA): 54-56 ° C


Dicke Mindest-Garzeit (Ziel-Kerntemperatur 58 Grad)
1,5 cm 0:50 h
2,5 cm 1:10 h
4 cm 2 h
5 cm 2:45 h
6 cm 3:30 h
7 cm 4:20 h